Fitness of Mind and Soul

Of late there is a flood of fitness centers in Dehradun. People are enthusiastic and it is good to see that people of Dehradun are getting health conscious. But the health of body as well as mind is also important. Being myself a fitness fanatic I do certain things to keep my mind sane and reading is one such activity. Writing something creative is another. I follow certain regimen which I would like to share as many people ask me about it.

It is not always possible to go to gym or fitness center for work out. So, I do walk and few floor exercises using the body weight. Mostly there is no time to do walk as there is myth that it is to be done in morning and evening. It can be done anytime provided you are well hydrated and energetic. 

For healthy mind it’s good to read newspaper not online necessarily as it leads to multiple clicks leading to wastage of time. Hence print media is still the best. I pick up any book of genre of my interest. Target is always to read few pages daily to keep continuity but even if I may not be able to do so, I try to read at least couple of pages. Again, there is no time to read, you can read anytime. For that matter, I read after I get up in the morning and it is not weird and it keeps me away from phone for some time.

People always complain that they do not feel energetic in the morning to go for workout. the first victory is this only to push yourself for the goal. If sleepy then sleep for another 15 min. Same is with reading the book, one feel sleepy while reading and its natural. But get up again and read till you get the habit of reading more pages in one go. It really works.

Age is just numbers for both fitness and reading as well. If Milind Soman can maintain his fitness at 55 anyone can. You just must push yourself and if there is a will there is a way. Same is with reading books. You can read at any age. Just pick the book of genre you like and then expand your horizon. You need not to read what everyone is reading or the book that won any international award.

The other obstacle is weather. if rains are obstacle in your fitness regimen, then it can be a boon for reading. You can interchange the time. And if it extends for days then use umbrella or Rain suit as you are not made of wax and hostile weather is just an excuse. Moreover, there is no dress code for both reading and exercise.

Now if you think that above regimen will make your life insipid and hell, you can party hard occasionally keeping the discipline of bare minimum. It is natural to cross the limitssometimes but you would get better if think wisely.

Lastly have the company of motivators instead of negative morons who can push you to better lifestyle. If you have any book club in your town do join to know other readers which will make you to read. Also do join gym or group of fitness enthusiasts to have a better lifestyle.

The above are my personal views and based on extensive experience and not necessarily an endorsement.

Author: avinash_the_cop

I am a former paramilitary officer and served for 21 years and then now in corporate for last 6 years . An avid reader and fitness enthusiast, a motivational speaker. Connect for more . Instagram: avinash_the_cop and the_bookstagrammar_cop

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